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Crassus 1:26 Thu Feb 3
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread

Rice has two years left, additionally we have a further year option

So, we don't have to sell him this summer and I would not, tell him we want another year. He wont fuck about as the WC is at Christmas, after which expect his value to increase

Oh and should Utd come calling, tell them as a direct competitor there is a £50m premium to pay above the highest bid elsewhere

boleyn8420 1:19 Thu Feb 3
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
The board HAS to sell Rice in the summer, as he has refused contract extensions, and they don't want to get to a situation where he only has 12-18 months left on his contract as the bids will be lower or god forbid he runs down his contract. So this summer he will be gone judging on how the board is behaving. Ably supportedby Dithering Dave it must be said, as he tells us all how ambitious they are.

zico 1:10 Thu Feb 3
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
What confuses me re Moyes comments about Bowen and Antonio is that they are totally different types of players so you end up potentially having to change the way you play hence why many wondered if someone like Origi would be a good fit. It would have been like John Lyall playing one up top with Cottee and McAvennie rotating as the lone striker - the same way of playing wouldn't have worked for both.

fraser 12:37 Thu Feb 3
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
Manuel - at the moment definitely wouldn't be a massive blow, when he's on fire it's huge. The fact that he hasn't been for a while is surely why having another option was even more important.

Manuel 12:21 Thu Feb 3
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
Maybe Moyes is now thinking that if Antonio gets crocked it won't be that big a blow as it was perceived to be previously, hence not that desperate to bring someone in?

fraser 12:09 Thu Feb 3
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
Don't Bowen and Antonio spend equal amounts of time centrally at the moment and Bowen has been a lot better than Antonio recently, who seems to be on the left wing all the time.

On current form I'd rather Bowen..

If only we had a proper centre forward

Russ of the BML 11:46 Thu Feb 3
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
Keep dreaming 5:29 Wed Feb 2

Bowen is a good player. But if Moyes seriously believes that he cannot find a better replacement or cover for Antonio than Bowen then we are truly fucked as he is either a massive liar of a complete incompetent pillock.

Russ of the BML 11:44 Thu Feb 3
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
South Woodhammer 1:18 Thu Feb 3

Excellent post.

Keep dreaming 9:01 Thu Feb 3
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
Well put SW

South Woodhammer 1:18 Thu Feb 3
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
Does anyone actually believe that this isn’t anything other than smoke and mirrors?
The club published a press release on the latest financial position on 30th December... WHUFC were £128.5m in debt. More than when they took over. The two spivs are owed £53.5m plus interest payable to them by 2026. The combined losses of the last 2 years total just under £100m. We had to sell Haller in the summer after being reported to UEFA by Frankfurt for not paying overdue instalments of his fee. And then they supposedly bankrolled Moyes to make 3 club record £50m bids ? Seriously they are taking the fans for mugs if they think people will believe these stories. Leeds have said they received ‘tentative enquires ‘ from West Ham for both players which were both immediately rejected.
That’s not a firm bid. The Nunez ‘bid’ was made a day before the window was about to close. The player himself was in Uruguay at the time. Benfica rejected the West Ham valuation. It was so serious on our part that after taking a year to look for a striker that would improve our squad it’s left to the last minute to make an unacceptable offer for a player ? Moyes and the owners have made themselves and the club look absolutely stupid. Clearly we never had the money to deliver any of these players. And if he did have money ... very doubtful given our financial position.... why did he waste a month chasing undeliverable targets ? They’ve displayed complete incompetence and my view it’s that it’s going to come back and bite them on the arse big time in the summer. When the big clubs come knocking for Rice and Bowen they might find lowball valuations coming in for players who will be desperate to leave. Sadly we’ve been there before ....

Mike Oxsaw 1:09 Thu Feb 3
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
We'll have had scouts or the manager at games looking at players and even if no words are exchanged, people will soon work out who it is they are watching.

I'm in no doubt that after these games/at half time there will be invitations to "share a drink and a bite to eat" where player availability is candidly discussed, even if no one on either side has any authority in the transfer process proper - scouts swap clubs, so there will be an informal "old boys network" abound in any case - a premiership scout at a game is hardly something to/that can be kept secret.

The bottom line is that Moyes is already aware of who he wants in the Summer - and the selling clubs are equally aware; probably better to just ditch both windows and have a rule that a player can only represent a single club in a season; no emergency replacements allowed, either.

If a club sails close to the wind on numbers, that's a business decision it has to live with, whatever happens.

Irish Hammer 12:48 Thu Feb 3
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
I see Jack Rodwell got the only goal giving Western Sydney Wanderers FC the win over Perth Glory today.

We've missed out on a player there !

arsegrapes 12:05 Thu Feb 3
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
*Fumbles for X 3.5 glasses* ffs

Jasnik 11:51 Wed Feb 2
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
Thing i if we leave it to the last minute people wont sell as they have to find a replacement themselves.

we should not have been trying to buy anyone on the last day.

Side of Ham 9:26 Wed Feb 2
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
If you buy in the summer you can offer the market value and likely that offer will be matched by a number of clubs and then the player picks his favourite or the one with the highest wage or biggest ambition....so we're low down on that list.

If you buy in the winter you need to pay above the market value often by a fair bit, which we'll either not do or it'll not be worth it......

We're fucked with this set up......

Keep dreaming 8:43 Wed Feb 2
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
It should be pinned to the top. As a rememberance of the fucking wankers in charge, Manager, board and owners have yet again shown how stupid they are.

Hammer-ed 8:28 Wed Feb 2
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
Someone close this thread down - its a waste of everyone time!

chelmsfordhammer 8:02 Wed Feb 2
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
So from the manager himself, we should all be delighted because we were after top players but didnt sign them but we've got great owners.

What an arse licking prick. I wonder how many of us are delighted because we went after top players but didnt get them.

Norflundon 7:36 Wed Feb 2
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread

I don’t believe the deals were done because he hadn’t done his homework and didn’t go after the right targets.
If the manager was given 60mill as a budget and he said offer it all for Kane and we can’t get the deal done you can’t blame the board. Clearly he didn’t go for Kane and that’s an extreme example but the players we went for we probably offered close to the market value tbf but if you’re trying to buy a player the other club don’t want to sell you have to pay over the market value sometimes way over. For instance if Liverpool want Bowen in my mind he’s probably a 40/45mill player similar to Jota but there’s no way we’d sell him for that, imo Raphinia and Philips are probably worth about what we offered but they need those players and you’d probably have to pay 70 for them to think actually this is a good deal.
The way football works is if you like the look of a certain player you first find out from him or his agent if he wants to come then you start talking with the club formally or if you have contact informally. You don’t just send an email out the blue with an offer. I find it very hard to believe they didn’t have idea of what these clubs would sell for and if they didn’t they aren’t very good at their jobs. Tbf they may of been told what they wanted offered it and the clubs couldn’t get replacements so the deals didn’t go through and we’ll never know that.
As I’ve said I think he’s right not buying anybody if he can’t get the players he wanted my gripe with him is we definitely needed a centrehalf and a striker and he got offered loads of players and other than some lost wages I don’t see the harm it would of done to get a couple of players in when you have the likes of pub players like Yarmalenko and masuaku getting plenty of fame time

Sajmo1 7:35 Wed Feb 2
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
We'll sign Johnstone instead of Areola because he's available on free and Areola will cost around 10m. Next level.

Side of Ham 7:04 Wed Feb 2
Re: Official Transfer rumours and gossip thread
The thing that annoys me is they apply the same excuses to both the windows no matter who the manager is, except in the summer window it's then down to bigger/better clubs being the players destination......I see the winter window as the only one we stand half a chance of something coming off if the offer is serious in the first place.

We all now where we stand on 'the lure of' stakes so go for players that you can tell the bigger clubs are not quite sure about......if you want to step up the quality of player you are looking to acquire, but also make damn sure you have a good chance at European competition.....this is where we've let it pass us by.....

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